Exercising after a heart attack

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When you have had a heart attack you maybe nervous to start exercising, you may not know what to do, but being active is the best way to strengthen your heart and aid recovery. The NHS provide some brilliant cardiac rehabilitation sessions however after these you are left to your own devises. I have trained a number of people after their cardiac rehabilitation and they have gone to to be fitter and healthier people for it.

Firstly, start slow aim for around 15-20 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. During these session you should be a little short of breath but not so breathless you cant talk, Tight chest, dizziness, palpitations and shortness of breath are warning signs and if you feel any of these see medical assistance immediately.

12 weeks post heart attack or heart surgery you should be able to exercise to a good level but always aware of signs and symptoms.

I have found really satisfaction training clients post heart attack and we have achieved some amazing results. A positive attitude, trust and building confidence is the key to achieve your goals post heart attack. Doing that alone can be a daunting process so hiring myself to help may rally help your progress.